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3030 Salt Creek Lane, Suite 120, Arlington Heights, IL 60005


MDMA Possession in Illinois

 Posted on February 06,2017 in Drug Charges

MDMA possession, Rolling Meadows Criminal Defense LawyerOne type of controlled substance that is particularly popular with young people is a drug known as MDMA. Its scientific name is 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, and it belongs to the family of drugs more commonly known as methamphetamines.

MDMA, which is more commonly referred to by young people as Ecstasy or Molly, is a synthetic drug, which is taken in order to affect a person’s mood. The drug causes a sense of euphoria and pleasure, which can last for many hours. It is a drug often taken while at parties and dance clubs, but use of MDMA can happen anywhere.

Possession of MDMA is Illegal in Illinois

MDMA was linked to many drug-induced deaths in Illinois in the early 2000s, which prompted Illinois lawmakers to take a firm stance against the drug, imposing very strict consequences for possession, sale, and distribution of drugs like MDMA. It is a felony offense to be found in possession of even a single tablet of MDMA under the Possession of a Controlled Substance laws in Illinois. Possession of MDMA with no other evidence to suggest you intended to commit further illegal activity is known as simple possession.

Alternatively, if there is evidence to suggest other criminal activity, such as a scale or small baggies that indicate an intent to sell or distribute the MDMA in your possession, you could be charged with possession with intent to deliver. Depending on how much MDMA is found in a person’s possession determines how much potential jail time they could face. In any case, being found in possession of MDMA means that you are looking at years of jail time.

You Need a Lawyer if You Are Facing MDMA Possession Charges

Being charged with a drug offense can be stressful and intimidating, especially if this is your first major encounter with the law. Anyone who is facing criminal drug charges needs to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer to help prepare and present his or herdefense to the court. Since MDMA possession charges are at the felony level, fighting the charges pending against you is all the more important. You will need the help of an experienced criminal defense lawyer with a proven track record of success defending against drug charges like MDMA possession.

One of the key elements that must be proven in a drug possession case is that you knew you were in possession of the drug. You could have a viable defense if you had no knowledge about the drug that was found in your possession. There could also be possible defenses to your charges if law enforcement conducted an illegal search and seizure, or if your arrest was illegal.

With any criminal drug case, your goal is always to have your charges dismissed because you have a good defense to the charges pending against you. However, sometimes a dismissal is simply impossible due to the circumstances surrounding your offense. In such cases, it is best to try and obtain reduced charges. A skilled lawyer will know how best to advise you concerning your criminal drug charges.

Contacting a Rolling Meadows Drug Offenses Lawyer

If you are facing MDMA possession charges, please contact a passionate Rolling Meadows criminal defense attorney at our office. We are available to assist you immediately.


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